Copyright 2006-2010 by Peter Hahlganß. This program is freeware. I do not take any responsibility for the behavior of this program. ***************************************************** * AutoWinSize change log: * ***************************************************** Changes in 1.0.0 (March 2010): - Added "Apply Tags" to the tray menu - Added criteria WinText to match for a window. Define WinText that has to match before the tag is applied to the window. If WinTitle and WinText is defined, both have to match. Changes in 0.9.3 beta (May 2008): - Changed that hiding a window with Win+h is not confirmed anymore. A TrayTip containing the name of the windows appears instead. The tray menu has been modified slightly, such that the "Hidden Windows" menu item now is the lowest one. Changes in 0.9.2 beta (April 2008): - Fixed that the tray icons are not set every 10 seconds. Now the tray icon is set only if it changes Changes in 0.9.1 beta (April 2008): - Fixed that the files AutoWinSize_ChangeLog.txt and AutoWinSize_Help.txt are extracted in the script directory instead of the working directory. Changes in 0.9 beta (February 2008): - Added the state "Restore" in the "action" area of the "Edit Tag" dialog. This gives the possibility to restore a window if the title matches. Changes in 0.8 beta (July 2007): - Fixed wrong implemented option "Ignore Dialog" Changes in 0.7 beta (May 2007): - Windows that have been made hidden by AutoWinSize are now made visible when AutoWinSize is terminated - Hiddenwindows now appear in the tray menu. They can be made visible again by clicking on the window name in the tray menu. AutoWinSize remembers hidden windows after restart. - Added a hotkey to hide the active window. All hidden windows can be made unhidden via the tray menu. The hotkey can be configured in the Options dialog. Changes in 0.6 beta (March 2007): - Improved the Edit Tag dialog. - Added a comment field to the Edit Tag dialog to allow a user comment that may describe the tag function - Added that the title match mode can be RegExp. In this case the window title to match shall contain a regular expression - Changed that "Send Keys" is now "Command. This can now be used to either exectute a command (Run) or send keys (Send) The command can include the word '%WinID%' which will be replaced by the unique id of the actual tagged window. - Changed that if "Width" or "Height" is negative the window width/height will be limited to these values rather than just applying the parameters to the window - Changed that the option to ignore all dialogs is now given individually for each tagged window. This option moved from the options dialog to the edit tag dialog - Corrected that tags are applied when the program starts such that existing windows are processed Changes in 0.5 beta (July 2006): - Corrected that the tag file AutoWinSize.dat is always read from the directory where AutoWinSize.exe is executed - Added check to prevent double window titles in tag list - Added a button in the main dialog that allows to apply the actual tag settings to all windows - Support for multiple users added (the tagfilename now contains the user name) - Minor corrections and optimizations Changes in 0.4 beta (April 2006): - Added a function to minimize, maximize, close or hide a window - Added the function to send key strokes to the winkow - Minor improvements of dialogs Changes in 0.3 beta (April 2006): - Added the option to disable AutoWinSize via the tray (select tray menu item or left click on tray icon). Tray icon changes if AutoWinSize is disabled - Location to save options moved from ini-file to windows registry - Changed the application icon - Clicking on the x in the main GUI window will not close AutoWinSize rather than asking what to do - Added some minor improvements to window and dialog box appearance and behavior - Added the function to select a view option for each tag window (large/small icons, list, details) - Added the Options and About entry in the tray menu - Improved the About dialog to show changelog info and help text Changes in 0.2 beta (April 2006): - Changed default to show tray icon - Changed default for hotkey for window handler from Ctrl-F11 to Ctrl-F10 - Corrected initial values for options TitleMatchMode, View and Arrange in dialog "Edit Tag" 0.1 beta (March 2006): - Initial release